Now, I know we're 10 days in to 2015 but this has taken some thinking about! I want to have a bucketlist, but a yearly one. So as it's 2015 here's 15 things I want to do/achieve this year!
- Pass my driving test - I've had my car for 3 months and I just want to be able to drive her around whenever I want.
- Save more money - like everyone, I try and put away some money each month but this year I want to make a conscious effort to do so.
- Write in my diary at least 5 times a week - this year, I'm keeping a journal, just to clear my thoughts and save the memories.
- Try new food - anyone who knows me personally will know that I hate trying new food, so this year I want to be more brave and less fussy.
- Do more for charity - obviously I give to charity boxes and do fundraisers for work but this year I want to do more - maybe a charity run?
- GET FIT - I know this is cliché but I want to be fitter. I want abs like Jess Ennis and to be able to run for longer without passing out.
- Blog more - with working full time, I don't get much free time to blog but I want to make an effort to blog more often.
- Explore - I don't have a passport so I can't explore abroad, but I want to get moving, go for walks and explore cities and try new things.
- Show my appreciation - I am not great at showing my emotions but there are so many people in my life who I truly couldn't live without and I want to make an effort to ensure that they know how much they mean to me.
- Take photos (not just selfies) - I need to take more photos, not just on my phone, I want to use my SLR and my Instax to capture more memories which I can treasure forever.
- Be less of a doormat - I have a tendency to let people walk all over me, but this year I want to stand up for myself and be a strong person.
- Read at least one (non uni) book a month - I am so busy with work that I rarely have time to read for pleasure, but this year I want to make an effort to read at least one non uni book a month. That really doesn't sound a lot baring in mind I read the Hunger Games trilogy in a week...
- SMILE - I get my braces off in 6 weeks so I have no excuse for my mardy face anymore, I want to smile more (and show off my new braceless teeth).
- Meet new people - I am admittedly a baby, I like my friends and branching out makes me nervous, but I want to get out there and meet new people, learn new things and just experience more.
- Fall in love - whether that be with a boy, with a house, with a job, a kitten, a cake, anything! I just want to feel that happiness that is falling in love...
Well, that's my 15 things I want to do or achieve. I wonder how many I'll do!
Laura x
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