Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Change is an odd concept.

Sometimes it is good, other times it's not. Sometimes the changes happening in your life are obvious and explicit, other times you don't notice the changes at all.

An app has sparked this realisation in me, Time Hop. As my daily notification comes through and shows me my tweets and status and photos from the years gone by I realise how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.

I believe that some change is good, I mean, imagine if we never changed our hairstyles, or never thought to talk to someone that later became our friend or partner, or never tried our now favourite meal at a restaurant. But some changes are not so good, even the slightest of change can have a huge negative impact on the way our day, week or life goes.

Take me for example, through looking at my Time Hop, I have realised that I this time last year I was in love with the boy that I am still in love with now - which is good and I am pleased that this has not changed as he really does make me happy. But on the flip side, I have realised that two people who I was best friends with last year, now show very little interest in me despite my efforts - this saddens me, as I am a friend-orientated person and I love nothing more than girlie days with my best friends. But, as I said previously, change is an odd concept..

I must admit, I am a typical over-thinking girl.. change is something which scares me, even when the change is good! I am trying my best to now embrace the changes which happen and use them to strengthen who I am and hopefully teach me something.

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